This is the software development hub for the Neo6502 Retrocomputer
- All software and hardware is open source
- Low cost purchase, sold for 30 Euros
- Real 65C02 Processor clocked at 6.25 Mhz
- "Clean" machine, 64k RAM available
- 320 x 240 256 colour display on HDMI
- 20k Graphics RAM for tiles and sprites
- 128 sprites up to 32x32 pixels
- High speed drawing features
- UEXT interface to access a wide range of hardware add ons.
- 1 channel "beeper" sound with SFX library
- Storage on SD Card or USB Key
- Fast structured BASIC with hardware support and inline assembler.
- Port of Steve Wozniak's Apple 1 Monitor.
- Documentation, samples, explainers and games, all open source.
- Cross development support
- Accurate cross platform emulator
Coming soon
- Multiple tile maps
- Animation programming language (like AMAL on AMOS for the Amiga)
- Apple's "Sweet 16" at high speed with an assembler.
- Support in CC65 with libraries
- Turtle Graphics
- USB Mouse and Gamepad support
- Serial link to PC for Cross-Development
- BASIC support for I2C and SPI hardware
- More demonstration software
Try the Javascript Demo
Visit the firmware repository
A version of Galaxians in development. It can go faster than this, it is slowed down to allow for processor time to do other things in the game. There's about 40 sprites here being manipulated in BASIC.
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